Friday, October 30, 2020

Fresh Meat

I suppose this now canonically makes Dante a murderer, or just a person with a terrible taste in jokes. Either way, it's pretty much Halloween, so anything goes whether it's spooky, scary or downright morally questionable.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Worth a Thousand Words

There's a profound proverb that's manifested in this age of superfluous photography: "The camera eats first". To an extent, it makes some sense - you pay a stupid amount of money for food, so you may as well remember it as much as you can. Or keep the photo as a reminder of food you shouldn't eat again.

And for anyone wondering, I did get that coffee image from Tumblr (somewhere).

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Potluck Dinner

Of course, that doesn't guarantee that people want to willingly eat whatever abomination you've cooked up, but now you can pull out all the stops to get people to take your edible filth. Pretend that it tastes good! Tell people it's a recipe from a famous chef! When they try to leave, force them to take some home with them! But this assumes that you even have a social circle of friends willing to dine with you to begin with...

Saturday, October 10, 2020


Did you even know there's a legal definition for what constitutes as ice-cream? Now you can put your mind at ease now that the law's on your side when trying to distinguish between this drumstick, that drumstick, the music-related drum stick, the other music-related Drumstick and The Drumstick.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Baking Bad

Next time you read the list of ingredients of your second favourite snack, and tell me you fully understand what you're putting into your mouth. That's a challenge, reader! And the prize is the eye-opening wisdom gained from such a painstaking exercise. But even with this knowledge, the fact that your favourite snacks still contain mysterious yet verbose ingredients still stands... Sigh.