Friday, June 26, 2020

Artificial Flavour

Technically, if you enjoy eating anything artificially flavoured, you're really just enjoying eating arbitrary chemicals with obscure names. I suppose all foods are like that to an extent. I mean, who even knows what a "fructose" is?

Friday, June 19, 2020

Forgotten Memories

Picture this: You suddenly feel nostalgic and recall a food item you haven't eaten in ages. The thought of eating it again lingers in your mind. You lose sleep over it, questioning whether it still tastes as good as you remember it. And with a determination like no other, you cross the fjords and move mountains to find that one food item... only to realize that it never existed. *play X-Files theme song*

Friday, June 12, 2020

Food Ideas for Social Events

With social restrictions marginally easing up here in Australia, you'd better show those punks at the next family gathering whose cooking skills have depreciated the most with these three timeless fool-proof recipes (for disaster) from yours truly.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Stuck in my teeth

I suppose this is the reason why flossing is so popular these days?
But what happens when the flossing string gets stuck between your teeth? You'd have to use another utensil to get both the food and the floss unstuck, assuming that said utensil also doesn't get lodged between your teeth.