Friday, April 24, 2020

Just add salt

You can freely pour buckets of chilli powder or pepper onto your food, and nobody finds that particularly strange. But add more than three shakes of salt to anything that isn't boiling pasta, and suddenly people act like they're food scientists or something, advising you to immediately remove the excess salt as it were.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Fruit Box

Has anyone noticed that shops usually stock these ornately decorated boxes and snazzy containers, but only contain terrible tasting chocolates or weird fruit-flavoured jellies from yesteryear? For those happy few that actually enjoy eating those sorts of things... Trust me, there is better food out there.

Friday, April 10, 2020

5 Second Rule

People are always criticizing me whenever I eat food off the floor or from a garbage bin. "You're going to get yourself sick!", they'd usually say... Alright, I admit they were right in some some situations (note to future self: do NOT eat a handful of expired breath mints again), but they weren't always right about getting sick from such things. And that's the moral of today's comic post, my good pal.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Ice is Nice

Here's a helpful tip for future me, should I find myself on another holiday in the Asia-Pacific region: If you order a drink and don't ask for ice, they're just going to give you the same volume of liquid. I would presume it's a cost-cutting measure, or it just shows they're not as naïve as the major fast food chains here in Australia. Hopefully said fast food chains aren't reading this...