Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Circle of Life

What if all the money you ever picked up off the street was once your own money? After all, money circulates across the economy in all sorts of strange ways, so perhaps you shouldn't be surprised when the universe finally decides to do something in your favour for once.

And remember there's a bonus blog post as part of the mandatory celebration of the 200 comic milestone. Hooray for me! And hooray for you too, assuming you care about this as much I do.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Payoff Matrix

This one is for all you game theory fanatics out there who can't get enough of "The Prisoner's Dilemma" and related thought experiments. Also for those selfish fools out there who always take the last free sample at the local supermarket -- I'm watching you. Always watching.

In any case, next week marks the blog's 200th comic. I'd better whip up something fancy to celebrate that milestone... No, I'm not going to be cooking anything for said event, although I don't blame you for thinking that.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Credit Card Fraud

In reality, credit cards that you'd randomly stumble across on the street are probably either expired or locked (because most sane people will contact their banks once they lose these kinds of things). Which reminds me -- what do I do with all those Opal cards I keep finding on the ground?

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Relentless Greed

You know when you're travelling on the train and these random people start yapping on about their tragic life's story and how your humble donation of a few coins will change their lives? It turns out that's actually illegal, according to a station staff worker I was talking to last year. So the next time you're faced with that sort of moral dilemma, smugly decline, knowing that your legal innocence is still intact for now.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

A Bit of Bribery

Kept you waiting, huh? Or maybe you just found better things to do in my 6 week holiday fiasco. Either way, we're back with comics briefly inspired from events encountered during the aforementioned holiday fiasco - including that that time where I briefly considered buying a shirt with the word "BIG SALE" or something or rather written on the front.