Saturday, October 26, 2019

Travel Insurance

There's no question that travel insurance is infuriatingly complicated. More so, the promo codes that some providers are even more confounding. This comic is a tribute to that one time recently where I randomly stumbled across an old promo code for a travel insurance policy, and it turns it was still valid. Good ol' technical loopholes, saving you money where you weren't supposed to.

Saturday, October 19, 2019


For those who don't know, I'm getting to that age when I have to start worrying about all kinds of ridiculous finance-related problems. Superannuation (which is to say only a subset of items related to retirement), insurance, car registration. Augh, it's as if people actively avoid teaching you this stuff in school so that you don't realise how much of a drag being an adult is. But who knows: In 10 years time, things will probably get even more complicated and confusing, which would make me yearn for the times currently.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Pocket Change

This is probably the reason why those skinny jeans with barely any pockets are so popular these days: You can't lose your stuff if you don't have pockets to put said stuff into. I would argue that distributing your things between all available pockets is a means of theft redundancy, where someone would have to painstakingly sift through all your pockets to get all your important items instead of just raiding one central location. So jokes on them, I just like carrying lots of useless stuff in my pockets anyway.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Short-term decision making

Whenever I find a good bargain at a shop, a surge of questions immediately flood my mind. How much am I going to save? Is this a good price compared to other shops? Could I find a better deal if I wait a bit more? After experiencing "paralysis by analysis" (now that I think about it, maybe that should have been the name of this comic?), I usually end up not buying said item, leaving me both disappointed at not owning this item and mentally bothered by all those noisy thoughts. Sigh, who knew finding a good deal was such a stressful exercise...