Saturday, September 28, 2019

Tax Return

If you're in Australia, you probably know that tax time is due relatively soon. Wait, let me double check the date... Okay, it turns out we've got one more month until the actual due date. So continue goofing off until then. On a related note, did you know you can lose money during a tax return? I mean, that's $250 I'm never getting back.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

True Value

Based on a recent event where I found myself unquestionably paying for some vaccinations totaling to $125, and then subsequently thinking about all those times I hesitate to pay more than $2 for any food item. It certainly goes to show that even the things we buy show out inner biases and subjectivity. Or maybe it's just me showing my frugality yet again. Both, perhaps?

Sunday, September 15, 2019


With supermarkets in the local area installing *gasp* actual barriers at the entrance AND a real security guard if it's one of those classy-looking places. Of all things, this comic basically came to mind as a result of thinking about this absurd new reality we live in.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

It pays to spell correctly

I'm not sure what's worse: Dealing with people who can't spell or dealing with people who speak using Internet jargon like "LOL" and "BRB". Some people would argue that the main point of the message was still communicated regardless of spelling correctness. To those people, I can see you write all your electronic text files using the Wingdings font, I suppose? Professionals have standards... although it's not to say they were high standards to begin with.