Saturday, August 31, 2019

Common Cents

To my surprise, people are more reluctant to take free stuff that doesn't directly interest them. Whether it be tasteless biscuits, a soggy old box or a concert ticket to some Eastern European band on the other side of the country, it's free.. but people don't want it? Understandably, the other side of that spectrum is basically being a hoarder, which is often less socially acceptable.
Not in my case! No, I relish the opportunity for free things! Tasteless biscuits? Give me all you got! A soggy old box? Perfect as a makeshift doormat. A concert ticket to some Eastern European band I've never heard of? *shrugs shoulders* Beggars can't be choosers.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Low Costco

This comic more or less came to mind when I found out that a certain someone in my social circle has decided to cancel their Costco subscription, after about 12 months of on-and-off purchases. And it makes sense; why spend $60 a year to shop at a distant warehouse where the only thing worth buying are the 1 kilogram packs of Reese's peanut butter cups?
Unless you're one of those crazed enthusiasts that basically buy-out entire sections at Costco, you're better off with that local supermarket whose name you still can't remember nor pronounce after years of shopping there.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

The Other Option

When you live in a world where everything is overpriced and haggling is never an option (i.e. Australia), you often find yourself in situations where you're literally 10 cents away from that sweet, sweet bubble milk tea, but you had to settle down for that mediocre coffee from 7-Eleven. Well, if it helps ease the pain, that bubble milk tea was probably going to be just as mundane as the coffee from 7-Eleven, so nothing of value was lost in the end. Yeah, keep telling yourself that...

Saturday, August 10, 2019


Car salesmen, real estate agents, online scammers: These people have a natural knack for flipping used items into profit. Unfortunately, I am not one of these people, so I have to make my money like how all the other clowns in this circus do. And no, I do not work at a circus, so please stop asking me that question.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

The Bargain Bin

Do you know what it's like to eat marshmallows out of a garbage bin? Because I do and admittedly it wasn't as disgusting as I initially expected. Mind you, this was a couple of years ago at university and not some rat-infested street dumpster you'd find normally. I suppose that sort of mindset explains my indifference when it comes to buying the cheapest possible price for most items.