Saturday, April 27, 2019


As much as it shocks you, I do indeed spend money on non-compulsory luxuries from time to time. Most of the time, it's something small such as a pack of pork rinds or spicy peas. And sure, buying these things has no real future investment value, although I imagine the natural counter-argument would be just to work in the finance industry if you were solely aiming for returns on investment. So as it stands, at least there is some minimal joy in *gulps nervously and wipes sweat from forehead* spending money.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

First-Time User Experience

As I happened to be searching the internet for affordable soft drinks, I happen to stumble across these well-known Australian purveyors of all things fizzy (i.e. they sell soft drinks). Oddly enough, the first few search results got me into these unusual situations after browsing around their respective sites for a bit. Interestingly, IGA have still left the misnamed "blckberry Ginger all" unaddressed, which either goes to show the unpopularity of IGA as a whole or the fact that nobody cares enough to do anything about it. Or maybe it is spelled correctly, but the product image is incorrect. I guess the mystery still continues...

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Supply and Demand

You know that feeling: You're strolling around the supermarket, trying to look for something in particular and in one of the aisles, you notice an unusually large void of products on the shelf. It just so happens the product was on sale so everyone had the sudden urge to purchase a 375ml can of Pepsi. It also turns out you also had a craving for Pepsi not so long ago, but now you're left disappointed and parched, so now you'll have to settle down for one of those *shudders* alternative options, like L.A. Ice (is that brand still a thing these days?) or Thums Up (an interesting brand for all you cola connoisseurs out there).

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Too good to be true

If I remember correctly, I think this was actually a placeholder item listing that was supposed to promote either the seller or some other item they happened to be selling at the time. What a letdown, although the fact that people actually use the Marketplace feature on Facebook is even more tragic.
So remember kids: If it sounds too good to be true, follow Uncle Dan's three easy steps - Stop the other person from talking, Look at any supporting evidence and Listen to your gut instincts using said evidence.