Tuesday, February 26, 2019

How to annoy a telemarketer

Some days you have to deal with your personal conundrums once and for all. Other days you're on the phone with a telemarketer trying to sell you the same thing for the third time. Today was not one of those days, but hopefully better times are yet to come.
Having said that, this did happen the last time I got a telemarketer call. And to think I spent 20 - 30 minutes on the phone trying to get free solar panels. Still, best case scenario, you actually do get free stuff, so there's a useful exercise for all you optimists out there...

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Limited Time Offer

When it comes to sale season, it all about mind games between the consumer and the supplier. Usually, this takes the form of seductive statements from the supplier that make you want to buy arbitrary things. On the contrary, the consumer has literally every other distribution channel (including the more questionable sources) to compare with. In fact, you probably know someone who goes by the "wait for those incredible savings" mantra, and to that I say: "I'll go get myself some duck à l'orange while you keep waiting for, quite possibly, nothing..."

Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Centrelink Cycle

After being stuck on the train for 5 hours yesterday, with a power outage at one of the stations, mechanical failures and an emergency stop to some pitiful station called Auburn, along with multiple instances of misinformation from station staff (they also stopped apologizing about delays after the first 2 hours), I couldn't help but be reminded yet again of the sheer disappointment Centrelink brings. Then again, the government hasn't exactly been stellar in using taxpayer funds for purposeful use, especially in the last few years...

Saturday, February 2, 2019


For some reason, I've got some mysterious lower back pain as I'm posting this, and the pain of having to deal with Centrelink somehow came to mind. After all, it has been a considerable while since I last interacted with Centrelink, and I'd prefer to keep it that way for as long as possible. But that doesn't stop this surging pain in my back, so here I am, in a constant toggling state of being pain-struck and feeling like things will return to normal soon. Is this what pensioners have to deal with all the time?