Saturday, January 26, 2019

For a Good Cause

Yet another comic inspired by a true event last year, except it was insect-filled chocolate bars instead of cabanossi. It's like how petrol stations around the same area can sell at wildly different prices, and just by going to the petrol station on the next block can already save you a couple of cents per litre. But it seems that being at the right place at the right time for the right reasons can actually allow some rather unusual situations to manifest. Although identifying them to begin with is the biggest challenge...

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Chump Change

For all those times when I pay for things in excessive amounts of low-value coins. And every time it happens, the same set of events happen: The clerk gives me a weird look and starts awkwardly counting all the coins I've spilled in front of them, while people in the general vicinity briefly stop and stare at me for a bit. Yeah, because society has never seen a guy pay with coins before. Sigh, people these days...

Saturday, January 12, 2019

The Price of Thirst

Based on the fact that summer is currently underway here in Australia, and drinking that warm coffee from 7-Eleven probably wasn't a good idea in hindsight. Seriously, I press the "Iced Coffee" button at the coffee machine and all it does it make regular coffee! GGGRRRAAAHHH!!! I suppose all the other options produce actual iced coffee then! But I shouldn't be ranting about some $1 cup of coffee that I happen to acquire on a hot summer's day. After all, you get what you give...

Saturday, January 5, 2019

The Art of Budget Cuts

Happy New -- ah, forget it, I'm already three to four days late, and I'm sure your social circles have spammed you more than enough times about this already. Besides, some of you are likely still recovering from all the partying since Christmas, so it's probably best for the both of us to slowly migrate into 2019.

In regards to the comic and its "experimental aesthetic", this should only be for this week only, thankfully. Unless people like this kind of art style, then I might consider doing future comics in a similar way.
Essentially, since the ongoing theme is money, it lends itself nicely as a premise for trying out different art styles. Also implicitly lets me skimp out on quality. It's a win-win!