Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Impossible Task

Vaguely inspired by a random encounter at one of those "guess the jellybeans in the jar" stands for a chance at winning $500... in tutor lessons. I mean, has anyone actually won in those contests? Better yet, would the cost of amassing resources to ensure success (e.g. recruiting enough people to brute-force every single number between 0 and 1000000) exceed the reward of actually succeeding? Because then you've just won, but inherently lost a whole lot of money trying to make money in the first place, if you get what I mean.

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Dante's Diet

I feel as though this is one of those things you would find on a variant of that rather old "Roll Safe" meme that was floating around on the Internet a while back. It would probably say something like "Can't lose money if you never eat" or something along those lines. Perhaps in the years to come, this mindset won't be as sustainable as it is currently, but I've met people who spend $40+ per week just on lunch meals and then sometimes struggle a bit to budget for other areas. To win some, you sometimes have to lose some...

Saturday, May 12, 2018

More Unreasonable

Somewhat of a sequel to last week's comic. Reminds me of that one time I was doing paid surveys on a particular site, and then the site ran out of surveys for me to complete. Sure, I could erase the browser cookies and internal cache to get one or two surveys, but nothing much after that. I suppose that's one of the reasons why I moved away from that, the other reason being the payout progressively got worse and worse over the course of twelve months.

Saturday, May 5, 2018


Based on those stupid verification questions I always got from paid surveys back in 2016. Usually it's some really obvious question which occasionally lets you participate in a paid survey. Reminds me of all those times I've had to fabricate semi-legitimate details about all those times I owned a motor vehicle just to advance to the next section. Those were dark times.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Centrelink Crowd Dynamics

Over the last few days, I've been prepping for an operation to take my wisdom teeth out. With that out of the way (both the operation and the factual revelation), I can get back to what was supposed to be last week's comic.
Centrelink: one of those places where everyone tries so hard to get in but nobody wants to be. I can't blame them, since the line ALWAYS stalls after the first three people, and just gets worse from there. And the waiting -- don't get me started on that. Don't forget that if you're not pinpoint-specific about your situation, sometimes your problems won't be resolved as you'd expect them.
... Wait, do you even know what a Centrelink is?