Saturday, April 21, 2018

Shiny Coins

A tribute to all those times I've had an unusually shiny coin and a subsequent urge to keep it for the vanity of all things shiny. Some of you might think: "Dante, money is just money. Just spend the darn coin, man!". Do you know what it feels like to have a coin in such pristine condition in your hands, a coin that isn't smeared with dirt or has mould growing on it? Because that's a feeling you won't get from many places these days, one of which includes those few remaining coin display shops.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Return and Earn - Part II

The slightly amusing conclusion to a short two-part comic from last week. With the current conversion rates for this "Return and Earn" program here in Australia, $5 worth of cans is obtained from fifty recyclable cans, which is just above two of those hefty 24-soft-drink-boxes and in turn costs about $24 in a best case scenario.
So is it profitable? Like all get-rich-quick schemes, those who put in the most time and determination to succeed are rewarded proportionally. I mean, the government isn't that stupid to provide a publicly-available subvert-able money-making initiative for the fun of it. At the same time, why not make a few quick bucks out of that rotting pile of cans called your Recycling Bin? It's not like you're genuinely using them, unless you actually are.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Return and Earn - Part I

Last year, the government tried to make recycling cool again with this whole "Return and Earn" scheme. Essentially, you get 10 cents for every can, bottle or carton submitted to selected collection depots. Unsurprisingly, it appeals mostly to students and retirees as far as I know, largely because they have the most expendable time compared to other general social groups.
I remember the first time I was involved with this. I submitted about 10 cans to the guy who verifies your cans, and he looked disappointed. Nonetheless, I wasted that guy's time and effort just to earn $1. Which was perhaps later spent on another can of Mountain Dew.