Monday, April 24, 2017

Failed Efforts

There was once a time when my parents were so desperate for me to get employed, that they kept bringing up the subject over and over again, hoping I'd do something novel about it. One of their vain attempts to achieve this was look for articles that vaguely relate to getting a job.
Admittedly, it was a noble cause but the problem was that they don't exactly know the most reputable or go-to places like LinkedIn and, so in the end, it was just me reading general articles about the I.T. industry itself.

Also, a groovy reminder about a new monthly meta-blog update on the Facebook page! I will try and put something there at the end of every month, as a bit of a progress log so you know what I'm up to these days.

Monday, April 17, 2017


They say that there's no such thing as a stupid question. Of course, that would vary in stupidity depending on the listener. But in the context of a life-or-death employment scenario where you've got your back to the wall, anything goes to show that you're marginally better than the 30 or so applicants that are more qualified than you'll ever be.
Even if that means questioning the very fabric of what the employer does.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Even after a long day at work or university or anything that involves me commuting, I can feel the realism of this graph at hand. After all, what have I really achieved in over 15 years of schooling? The ability to sit with proper back posture? No, the true heroes are OUT THERE! In the mines! Because here in Australia, you'd better ride that gravy train called the Mining Boom until it stops at Emu Plains (you'd get the reference if you know a bit about the Sydney rail network).

Monday, April 3, 2017

People You May Know

Linkedin is a weird machine. From past experience, I usually get recommended finance students who attended the same university as me and are recommended through 4th degree connections. One time I got recommended someone working at a coffee shop, simply because they knew someone who is proficient in Microsoft Word.
Sure, the university I attend is known for finance and law, but I'm fairly sure that the matchmaking algorithms used in dating applications have a better time finding relevant connections for me than what Linkedin drags in most of the time.