Monday, February 27, 2017


From personal experience, nobody really cares how much you work, just as long as it isn't some stupidly low amount like 1 day a week. 2 days a week is fine, if you have other legitimate commitments like a family or a shady side business. 3-4 days is the sweet spot for most people. 5 or more days is like saying: "Listen, if I don't get paid for the week, let's just keep that as our little secret, okay?"

Monday, February 20, 2017


Compare the pair: Same accreditation, same socioeconomic background, same drive to make a difference in the industry. One of them knows a couple of words in Spanish, the other only knows English. Now, you tell me, who is obviously the better candidate at face value in this situation? Exactly.

It's also the last week of university holidays, so I might have to resort to blog updates at the actual university premises. Ugh, so many things I have to do on Mondays now... Hopefully the blog quality doesn't diminish too much over the next 13-20 weeks.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Making Money

A true tale, my good comrade; I really did search "how to make money" and click on a link to find many questionable and semi-reliable ways to make MONEY! Who knew there were so many ways to make money besides legitimate employment?
In hindsight, I suppose this source isn't the most credible source of information about making money. Then again, it's either this or Tai Lopez talking about his "brand new Lam-bur-gee-nee".

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Referees - Expectations vs. Reality

To be honest, my experience with bad referees hasn't been all that comprehensive (mostly because I usually fail in the application process way before this point), but I can imagine the worst thing happening is that you're about to get the job, and then some snot-faced yokel tramples over your hopes and dreams of landing that one job in just mere minutes.
Which, at this point, I would question why you would even have said yokel as your referee to begin with. After all, it might just be better to have no referee than to have several bad referees.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

The Spectrum of Work

If you haven't already read from the Facebook update (which I imagine is most of you reading this, but I wouldn't blame you), I have started work as of this week! So that means the new upload date will either be Monday nights or Saturdays.
Like searching for a job, work is already starting to feel like a drag: Wake up at 5am, commute for 2 hours, work for 8 hours, commute back for another 2 hours, 3 hours to do whatever, and repeat again for the next 12 months. I guess it would be a reasonable assumption to call this worse than job searching, but then again, all you've done is just change the domain of the problem...