Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Alternatives to getting a job

Of course, you could just leech off your parents for a disappointingly long time. You could be like those stereotypical nerds who collect all sorts of sci-fi oddities, live in their parent's basement and sustain themselves on a poor diet of coffee and microwavable burritos.

In any case, you're probably better off just trying to legitimately get yourself a job.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Why a company won't hire you

The worst part is when companies don't tell you that you won't get hired, and get really confused when you try and apply for the same position next time around.

On another note, if you've been keeping track of the post dates, Blogger always thinks Mondays are Sundays. So I'm still posting weekly, but lousy Blogger keeps messing up the dates, so it seems as though I double posted issues #1 and #2 in the first week.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Types of Employers

In hindsight, I probably should've taken the jobs offered by all those Cheesy Suspect employers. Sure, it will probably lead to unfair working conditions and illegal exploitation, but at least I'd have a job. Sigh...

On another note, we're finally on Twitter! Because "Below Minimum Wage" is too long for a username, we've settled down on dante_denmore, so check it out and get notified on new comics and all!

Monday, March 7, 2016

A Job for Anybody

Inspired by a (more or less) true story that happened to me! Albeit, with more details and less parodies, but this comic captures the essence of my failure, with a hint of cayenne.