Monday, February 29, 2016

Holding Back

It's almost as though some employers are trying to keep me from getting a job. Then again, that makes me sound paranoid and irrational. Should you be surprised to know that?

Anyway, I was thinking of getting a basic Twitter account or something so you can keep updated on new posts every week, so you don't have to madly check back everyday. It means more work on my end, since I have to maintain myself on social media, but if this blog continues to grow, I might as well do that...

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

First Comic!

And this is why you always take a business card when possible.

Anyway, being the first post ever on this blog, things might change a bit as I try and get the blog "feel" in the right groove, so stay tuned every week for more employment disappointment.

Note: A small change has been added: These comics will now have an issue number (top left) and my name with the year of posting (bottom right) added. I suppose that should make these seem slightly more professional.